11月28日訊今日NBA例行賽,太陽不敵籃網。賽後,太陽前鋒凱文-杜蘭特接受了記者的訪問。記者:在那種比賽中,當你在中場休息時能感受到比賽的走勢,但要改變這種局勢卻是完全不同的難題,對嗎?杜蘭特:是的,我的意思是我們所有人都能感受到這一點。當時比數是一樣的,但我覺得我們上半場的表現並不好,沒有打出好的籃球水平,也沒有達到我們應有的標準。所以在第三節開局的時候,他們狠狠地打了我們一個措手不及,一下就領先了八到九分,我們從那之後就一直在苦苦追趕。一旦一支年輕的球隊找到節奏並建立起信心,例如有球員命中七個三分球,這種能量就會擴散到整個隊伍中。原文:”What’s the difficulty at halftime of a game like that when you can sense the direction feel the direction it’s going but changing was whole other thing right?””Yeah, I mean we all could feel it. It was a tie game, but I just feel like we didn’t play good ball that first half, like solid ball. We didn’t play the level that our standard that weid ball. We didn’t play the level that our standard that we’ re held to. So when they came out hit us in the mouth early in that third, got up eight to nine points, and we just battled uphill from that. Once a young team gets some momentum and some confidence, and a guy making seven threes, that just, that confidence, and a guy making seven threes, that just, that just, you know throughout the whole team.”記者:像這樣的比賽是否可以成為一個參考點?例如在第一節的頭幾分鐘,你們再次感受到類似的局勢時,可以提醒自己:『記住布魯克林的那場比賽,不要讓這樣的情況再次發生?杜蘭特:是的,我覺得我們每個人的職業生涯中都有過類似的比賽,可以在精神上依靠、回憶和反思,以避免犯下同樣的錯誤。我認為我們這支隊伍中有很多經驗豐富的老將,他們經歷過各種類型的比賽和所有高壓時刻。原文:”Can a game like this be a reference point where you sense one like a couple minutes in the first quarter feeling like this one again you guys can say like remember Brooklyn don’t let that happen again?””Yeah, I think we all had games like that in our careers that we can lean on mentally and think about and look back on and try not to make those same mistakes. I think we got a lot not to make those same mistakes. I think we got a lot of veterans in this that that have through all types of games and every pressure-packed moment.”資料來源: YouTube
